Friday, March 29, 2013

The Thief's Goal

“The thief comes not but to steal, kill, and destroy, but I came that ye might have life and that more abundantly.”  John 10:10 KJV

Have you ever heard of anyone breaking in or robbing an outhouse?  Probably not!  The reason is not that it doesn't have a purpose; it just doesn't have much value that one can take away.  A thief only goes after what he feels is valuable.  Well, unlike an outhouse, you not only have purpose, you possess a unique value that only you were created to serve and fulfill.  

As is stated, a thief comes not but to steal, kill, and destroy what is valuable.  Are you aware of your value?  Did you know he desires to:
Steal your Dreams, Kill your Hopes, and Destroy your faith? There are three key tactics the thief uses in an attempt to break-in.

Let's look closer.

Steal your dreams
Two of the tactics the thief uses comes in play here to steal our dreams: Distractions and Dissapointments.  Have you ever had a dream only to see its fulfillment blocked by one occurrence after the other?  Those occurrences are merely distractions used to knock you off course from the road called destiny.  They also can engender disappointments that can easily lead you to give up thinking it will ever come to past.  Take heart that those things may delay your arrival, but they can never deny it unless you surrender those dreams.

Kill your hopes
Well just when you thought you've endured the first two tactics, here comes his “coup de grâce” or death blow.  He then brings Doubt to try to finish you off by killing your hopes.  Doubt is the main ingredient to so many unfulfilled hopes.  After years of disappointments, numerous failures, or perceived limitations he whispers in your ear and tells you that you’re donegive upyou weren't meant to win.  He places that doubt for you to then start believing the LIE.

Destroy your faith
Faith is the substance of things hoped for... Hebrews 11:1a. It’s the basis of hope.  If the enemy can destroy your Faith, he doesn't have to worry about stealing your dreams and killing your hopes, they automatically come with the destruction of your faith. Not only that, the enemy knows that it will rob God of the one thing that pleases Him - Your faith (without faith it's impossible to please God… Hebrews 11:6a) Faith is the foundation of hope and the enemy of fear.

Fortunately for us, Jesus gives us the antidote, escape route, and alarm system that wards of the thief's success in our lives in the very same verse. "I came that you may have life and it (referring back to life) more abundantly (John 10:10b)

Jesus is our alarm system. He provides us the fuel we need (the Holy Spirit) to believe in our dreams, hold on to our hopes, and keep the Faith in Him knowing that He will give us direction and guidance in achieving the "abundant life" where no thief can destroy it as we continue to surrender our life to His directions. 

However, like any effective alarm system, it only works for you if you accept it and activate it in your life.  The next good thing is that the price for protection has already been paid. All you have to do is receive it.  If you have not accepted Jesus Christ in your life, why not do it today to begin protecting your dreams, hope, and faith?  You can then start living life with renewed purpose.  

To accept Jesus today say this simple, but life changing prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I confess my sins before You this day. I renounce the past. I receive my forgiveness. Come into my heart. Lord Jesus, I confess you as the Lord of my life. I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose from the dead. I am saved. Thank You for saving me.  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to help me to do Your will for the rest of my life, in Jesus' name. Amen"

You are now protected. Remember this is not a feeling, but faith; not a religion, but a relationship. You're now a citizen of heaven.  You'll never be a day without God, His protection, and His guidance anymore because you prayed that prayer.  

Go forth today and reclaim your dreams, restore your hope, and live out your faith.

Aim High…
© 2013 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Friday, June 8, 2012

Casualties of Progress

Very few people that come across my path can tell by looking at and speaking with me that I was originally born in Jamaica, West Indies.  When people say that I don’t have an accent, my usual retort is that, “I was Jamaican when Jamaican wasn't cool!”  When I first arrived in the United States (US) in the mid-seventies, my accent was very strong and was often ridiculed; therefore, I had to learn how to imitate the American accent quickly so as to not stand out as a “foreigner”.  Well…“What does that have to do with casualties of progress?” you may be thinking.  Let me explain.

I was born in November of 1966 in Jamaica to parents that did not have a sprawling estate, a car to drive, or even an apartment or house of their own.  After a year of birth my Mom desired a better life for us.  Therefore, she was able to secure a visa to gain entry into the United States in hopes of one day bringing the entire family there.  Unfortunately, it took four additional years for that to be accomplished. 
What did that mean?
This meant that I did not have my Mom around me for four of my critical years of development.  Little did I know the impact that would have on me as an adult.  I also found out that my Dad would leave six months at time to do what they called “farm work” in the US; thereby relegating us (me along with my brother and sister) to be passed around to various relatives for upbringing.  Wow!  Now just imagine what a young child is experiencing not having his mother around for four years and not seeing his dad but periodically.  Although I’m sure some of you that are reading this may have experienced even worse situations, there is a point to my story.

My Mom and Dad desired better for us as their children than they had or could financially provide.  They wanted us to be in an environment where we could learn, apply, and grow beyond anything that they had seen thus far in their lifetime.  It was because of those desires that the tough decision to leave us was made.  However, that decision to position us for progress produced certain casualties in the lives of their children.

The nature of war indicates that there will be certain causalities–those killed, injured or displaced by war. The same can be said of progress–there will be casualties.  In order for something to live, oftentimes something has to die whether physically or spiritually.  A seed must first die in order for that tree to emerge and live.

I had to understand that although my feelings of abandonment and rejection were valid, they were part of the casualty in the journey of progress that my parents had to take in order for me to have the access I have today.  I had to admit, confront, and deal with those feelings of abandonment and rejection along with their lingering impact on my life.  I also began to understand and appreciate the lessons learned along the journey of progress.  Had my Mom decided to stay in Jamaica, many of the opportunities and experiences that I now share with my children would be quite different. 

Would I have loved to have both parents active in all of my years of life?  Absolutely!  However, because my Mother took that risk (not that she wanted to, but in her mind–had to) over forty-something years ago, today she and my Dad are able to see their children live productive lives at a level far above their ceiling.  That Jamaican boy with the funny accent in the mid-seventies is now an American citizen, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach with children of his own.

What tough decisions are you making that will position you or your family for greatness?
What casualties have you endured so that you or your posterity can be positioned for progress?

Progress is not free.  The question is, “What price are you willing to pay?
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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