Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Business Owner “Winner’s Recipe”

With the current economic trends, employee layoffs, and uncertainty in “job security”, many are now seriously looking into other options.  Some have decided to follow their passions and have leaped out in faith to start their own businesses full-time, while others are looking into part-time business opportunities where they have the control in deciding their true value.  Jim Rohn aptly put it this way, “Wages make you a living, while profits make you a fortune”.   However, before you leave your "Wages" - current job voluntarily or involuntary to launch that business - "Profits", consider the following ingredients of my “winner’s recipe” to determine if you are willing to invest what it takes to go the distance of that decision. 

1.            Be Organized: Organization is the Root of your business – Disorganization leads to missed opportunities. (e.g. goal setting, business plan, etc.)
2.            Understand: Marketing is simply, “Exposure”
3.            Market what you do to everyone, everyday.
4.            Understand: Ignorance on Fire is better than Knowledge dormant – Do it Afraid
5.            Learn the essence of “Failing Forward”
6.            Become a student of your business – The more you learn, the more you earn.
7.            Understand: “Well Done” goes farther than “Well Said”.
8.            Be ProActive rather than ReActive
9.            Develop a Positive Winning Attitude – “the man who thinks he can and the man that thinks he can’t…are both right.”
10.       Be Coachable – Listen, learn, and apply the success techniques of others.

Take the first three ingredients and mix them up together until you get the mental clarity and belief needed to excite you about each day.
Then add ingredients four through six in order to get the consistency needed to firm up the foundation. 
Once you firm up the foundation add in ingredients seven and eight and you will start to see your business rise.
Lastly, ingredients nine and ten are needed in order to sustain the growth that you are now experiencing.

This recipe is an abridged version.  However, if you will consistently apply these ingredients to your specific line of business, and prepare your business as outlined, you will start to see that you too can be the CEO of your future.  Leonard I. Sweet said, “The future is not something we enter.  It’s something we create.”  Where do you plan on being vocationally in the next 5 to 10 years?  If it is not where you are today, then it may be time to properly plan for your exit.  Be bold!  Be Courageous! Be YOU!    
Aim High…
© 2011 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
Contact: AlPearson1@gmail.com

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