Saturday, March 31, 2012

Progress deserves a Party!

Celebrate your progress.  
You may not be where you desire; however, stop and smell the flowers that have bloomed from the growth of yesterday.

While I was growing up, my immediate family celebrations centered primarily around birthdays and weddings.  However, meeting my wife and marrying into her family has exposed me to the joy that comes from celebrating pretty much anything. 

Because my wife is sixteen and eighteen years older than her youngest siblings respectively, we attended several of their events, i.e., numerous birthday parties at Chuck-E-Cheese, school Christmas programs, graduations, and talent shows, to name a few.  I even remember one time driving close to forty-five minutes to her little sister’s piano recital to celebrate her progress in being able to play – what seemed to me – five notes in a song.  I repeat…FIVE!  Regardless, the family celebrated her progress.
Even during the season in Chicago where she managed my office, my wife would find any reason for a celebration – birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, promotions, and at times even a “just because” party.  If she felt the event was worthy of a celebration – big or small – celebrate is what we did.
Throughout the years and with my own children, I’ve grown to appreciate and even joined in her desire to celebrate the smallest things that oftentimes passes by unnoticed, unacknowledged, and/or under-appreciated.  Too often we are waiting to celebrate the completion of a long-term goal without taking the opportunity to recognize, highlight, and even rejoice over the small-term goals we accomplish along the way.  Taking the time to celebrate our progress offers moments of refreshing that empower us with the stamina necessary to continue moving forward while enjoying ourselves as we journey.
If you haven’t noticed, misery always seems to set its own appointments.  Therefore today, I encourage you to find any reason to celebrate – regardless of how big or small your progress may be.  Invite a few guests.  Pop the Champagne. Cut a rug.  I believe you’re due a hand clap…some hoopla…maybe even a standing ovation.
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Presents vs. Presence

"What is the greatest gift you can give your children?  
Answer: To be Present and Active in their lives moving forward. Your Active Presence should always take precedence over your Material Presents.

Oftentimes we find ourselves so busy doing the work of The King that we tend to forget about or overlook The King Himself.  That posture even permeates other areas in our lives.  For example, when you look at your life, do you find yourself so busy taking care of your family that you have overlooked spending time with them?  

I now realize when looking back on my life how not having my Dad spending active quality time with me has affected my interaction with my own children.  Fortunately, back then I had siblings that I was able to fall back on to get the needed attention I was craving – being the middle child didn’t help either. However, nothing can replace the feeling a child gets when his Dad or Mom takes the time to spend with them with no ulterior motive.  Yes, I grew up in a financially challenged household (to put it mildly) and yes, my Mom and Dad did the best they could with the revelation they had.  However, that did not negate the need for their active presence in my life.

Quality time to a child is like water to a flower. Now having a family of my own, it was and continues to be a determined effort on my part to spend active quality time with my children.  Thanks to my wife Juli, I have – and as a work in process – turned around my perception of “active quality” time with my children.  Today, we understand that Family comes First.  Our children know and understand that when no one else is there to support them they can look around and find Dad and/or Mom cheering them on.  Yes, they get the presents, but after those are gone it’s our active presence that they will one day talk about with their children.

Just as God would rather you spend time “with Him” than just relegate the majority of the relationship doing things for Him or getting things from him – your wife, husband, children, and family are yearning for similar attention. Why not schedule time with those important in your life.  We may be able to buy material things to pacify our absence; however, quality time is priceless.  Make a difference by choosing to be different.  Your active presence is far greater than your presents. 
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

The 3 I's of Personal Change

"You can either change history by what you learn or
repeat history by what you ignore."

Often we hear of various “Keys to Success”.  There are indeed many roads that lead to success, however long-term success is first determined by and developed through the degree of personal change an individual is willing to achieve.  Let me share with you what I call the “3 I’s of Personal Change” that has helped me understand and positioned me for varying levels of success in my family and business.

I – Information:
The mid to late ‘80’s launched what we called the “Information Age” or as some refer to as the “Computer Age”.  However, long before Commodore 64, IBM, Microsoft, or Apple arrived on the scene information was being shared in various other forms in society.  We’ve all had access to information.  Information is knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance or simply, data.  In order for change to happen we have to have the information necessary to know the direction we ought to take.  The access to information we have today has taken away any excuse we could ever use regarding being ignorant.  If we truly desire to change, information abounds at alarming volumes.

I – Inspiration:
As wonderful and plentiful as information is, just having the knowledge does not give the desired change one seeks.  The next step in personal change is Inspiration.  In order for the information to go from data on a page or through the air to connecting to your heart requires the stimuli that inspiration brings.  I remember the days/years I thought I knew how to effectively lead my family.  Little did I realize, it was just knowledge.  I really “thought” I knew based on the knowledge I had (little as it was).  It wasn’t until my twin boy and girl reached their teenage years that I realized that more growth and understanding was needed on my part.  That inspired me to gain more knowledge and not rely on “old tools to repair a new car”, if you will.  I then became a change agent, first personally and then to impact my posterity. Take a moment to determine what will inspire you to effect personal change in your life?

I – Implementation:
We’ve all heard the term, “Knowledge is Power”.  Well, if “Knowledge is Power”, just imagine how much more powerful “Applied Knowledge” can be.  There’s the story of three frogs sitting on a lily pad and one of them decided to jump.  Do you know how many frogs were left on the lily pad after the one decided to jump?  Was it one, two, or three?  If you said three, you are correct.  You see, nothing you think about takes place until you make the choice to put it in action.  That’s the final stage of personal change.  We all can have all the information, and be inspired to do something different.  However, until we move into action, all we have is potential sitting on the lily pad of life.  Implementation suggests that we “Do Something”.  Having a desire without the daily discipline to achieve it makes the desire just a dream. 

Don’t you think it’s time to start walking out your dreams and begin the process of personal change in your life today?  By taking the information you’ve received, coupled with the inspiration that connected and triggered a desire within you, and then ultimately taking the necessary steps to implement them will greatly impact the speed of your success.  Today, I stand on the sidelines of life to cheer you on as you run.
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are you a PIMP?

“When Purpose is defined, everything is put in its proper perspective.”
                                                                                      Julianne Pearson
Here is a new take on the word PIMP!  I have composed an acronym for the word PIMP which describes a Person Intentionally Manipulating Purpose!  The Purpose of what you may ask…the purpose of a gift.  Let’s first define a gift.

The World English Dictionary gives one definition of a gift as a “special aptitude, ability, or power; talent.”  Secondly, Myles Munroe states that, “When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable.”  With these two understandings, let’s delve deeper into the PIMP world.

Most of us have heard, seen, or been involved directly or indirectly, with the common identification and definition of a pimp!  The term has had its evolution from one who exploits women for sexual gratification in order to live off their earnings to include today’s colloquial expressions meaning a male talented in attracting females or making something cool or better.  These definitions, when examined closely, are not intended to focus on the purpose of the person or object but on the benefits another gains from its manipulation.  Each of us is a gift and we have been created for a particular purpose.  Oftentimes it is due to a misunderstanding of our value that has allowed some of us to be PIMP’d and become PIMPs.  We all have special abilities, powers, and talents.  Therefore, we ALL should consider ourselves as gifts.  It is when the true purpose of the gift has not been defined that we find ourselves manipulated and at times, manipulating others. 

For example, even in the crudest definition of a pimp, it exposes the manipulation of Purpose and the Gift.  Just like a pimp exploits the gift called woman (and even a man on some occasions), we too can find ourselves pimping the gifts in others for personal gain as well.  You see, when we intentionally manipulate others through exposing their weaknesses, addictions, and vulnerabilities; we play the role of a PIMP.  What most PIMPs won’t tell you is that underneath the flamboyance of their persona lies a hurt, wounded, and vulnerable soul.  They too are a gift that has not been defined and embraced.  Therefore, through their own abuse they become a purveyor of abuse.

Here’s the good news, it’s never too late to make a new beginning.  With this enlightenment we can now begin the journey to recognize and appreciate the value we have inside.  This starts as we view ourselves as a gift and then begin the healing process needed to set proper boundaries.  Once purpose is defined, you will then start to look and put things in their proper perspective.  This will empower you to appreciate the gift in others and help as oppose to hurt; build rather than destroy; co-create instead of compete; and promote rather than put down. 

There’s the saying, “Pimpin' ain’t easy.”  Well, let’s make it that more difficult by choosing to walk in our authenticity, pursuing purpose, and setting proper personal boundaries for how we will first value and conduct ourselves and then those with whom we come in contact.   
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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