Friday, June 8, 2012

Casualties of Progress

Very few people that come across my path can tell by looking at and speaking with me that I was originally born in Jamaica, West Indies.  When people say that I don’t have an accent, my usual retort is that, “I was Jamaican when Jamaican wasn't cool!”  When I first arrived in the United States (US) in the mid-seventies, my accent was very strong and was often ridiculed; therefore, I had to learn how to imitate the American accent quickly so as to not stand out as a “foreigner”.  Well…“What does that have to do with casualties of progress?” you may be thinking.  Let me explain.

I was born in November of 1966 in Jamaica to parents that did not have a sprawling estate, a car to drive, or even an apartment or house of their own.  After a year of birth my Mom desired a better life for us.  Therefore, she was able to secure a visa to gain entry into the United States in hopes of one day bringing the entire family there.  Unfortunately, it took four additional years for that to be accomplished. 
What did that mean?
This meant that I did not have my Mom around me for four of my critical years of development.  Little did I know the impact that would have on me as an adult.  I also found out that my Dad would leave six months at time to do what they called “farm work” in the US; thereby relegating us (me along with my brother and sister) to be passed around to various relatives for upbringing.  Wow!  Now just imagine what a young child is experiencing not having his mother around for four years and not seeing his dad but periodically.  Although I’m sure some of you that are reading this may have experienced even worse situations, there is a point to my story.

My Mom and Dad desired better for us as their children than they had or could financially provide.  They wanted us to be in an environment where we could learn, apply, and grow beyond anything that they had seen thus far in their lifetime.  It was because of those desires that the tough decision to leave us was made.  However, that decision to position us for progress produced certain casualties in the lives of their children.

The nature of war indicates that there will be certain causalities–those killed, injured or displaced by war. The same can be said of progress–there will be casualties.  In order for something to live, oftentimes something has to die whether physically or spiritually.  A seed must first die in order for that tree to emerge and live.

I had to understand that although my feelings of abandonment and rejection were valid, they were part of the casualty in the journey of progress that my parents had to take in order for me to have the access I have today.  I had to admit, confront, and deal with those feelings of abandonment and rejection along with their lingering impact on my life.  I also began to understand and appreciate the lessons learned along the journey of progress.  Had my Mom decided to stay in Jamaica, many of the opportunities and experiences that I now share with my children would be quite different. 

Would I have loved to have both parents active in all of my years of life?  Absolutely!  However, because my Mother took that risk (not that she wanted to, but in her mind–had to) over forty-something years ago, today she and my Dad are able to see their children live productive lives at a level far above their ceiling.  That Jamaican boy with the funny accent in the mid-seventies is now an American citizen, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach with children of his own.

What tough decisions are you making that will position you or your family for greatness?
What casualties have you endured so that you or your posterity can be positioned for progress?

Progress is not free.  The question is, “What price are you willing to pay?
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Friday, May 4, 2012

An Open Letter to Women

“I see when men love women.  They give them but a little of their lives.  But women when they love give everything.” – Oscar Wilde

Early one morning as I was praying for my family, I began to reflect on some of the thinking patterns I had, choices I made, and actions taken towards women that were in no way beneficial to their growth.  I was then inspired to construct this “Open Letter of Apology” to all the women who have been the recipient of the negative actions of men.
Let me first start by saying, I am so grateful that my past has not defined me, but has been used as a tool to refine me into the MAN that I am today.  However, this transition and transformation was not something that I just “fell” into; it took a willing and intentional effort on my part to admit, confront, and deal with a mindset that was entrenched so deep that it was very challenging to overcome.  Thank God for placing within me the will and desire to be better, and giving me a wonderful wife who continues to champion and assist me as I continue this life’s journey of freedom and value.

How did this start?

When we men are confronted with a counterproductive choice we have made, it is easier for us to say that it was the action of someone else that precipitated that behavior instead of taking full responsibility for our actions.  Unfortunately, the “genesis” of this behavioral pattern started in Genesis.  Even Adam when confronted with his disobedient action, blamed the woman (Genesis 3:11-12).  No, we were not created that way; however, we did take on that (Adamic) nature because of Adam’s decision of deliberate disobedience.  What is that nature?  That nature is the perceived need to self-preserve no matter what collateral damage ensues.  It is that mindset that for years has viewed women from an ancillary and not complementary position.  For that, I apologize.
Women, I apologize for all the men who have been the purveyors of hurt.  In other words, most hurts can oftentimes be traced back to a male figure.  There is no right way to explain a wrong; however, let me help to uncover the reason (not an excuse) as to why that has been.  For as long as I can remember, which is just a blurb of time compared to man’s existence, many societies have taught most males–starting at a very young age–that they are not to cry and/or feel pain.  We have been taught/told to “suck it up,” “be a man,” and “stop acting like a woman” to name a few phrases.  For the majority of their lives, these phrases have been expressed to males by both men and women.  Well, unless I’ve been bamboozled, hurts, internal pains and tears are not gender specific. 

Therefore, where do these hurts and pains go 
when a male is experiencing these feelings?

Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to internalize them.  However, in doing so, we become unaware that by continually internalizing those feelings, they eventually produce external symptoms.  Simply put, “Hurt people…Hurt people.”  Consequently, we men then externalize those hurts in various forms of abuse–manipulation and control, promiscuity, substance addiction, etc.  Additionally, oftentimes we aren’t even realizing the source of those symptoms due to never being taught or given the opportunity or freedom to process the seed that was planted to produce the destructive behavioral harvest.  Therefore, we stay a prisoner, bound in that mindset.  Again I exclaim, not an excuse but a reason.

Women, I apologize for all the men who you have trusted in to protect, lead, or guide you that have used their positions to take advantage of you.  I believe it’s safe to assume, some have been relatives, supervisors, and unfortunately even clergy.  It is becoming more and more apparent that creeping compromise has been the snowflake which has rolled into an eventual avalanche.  This transpires when we men allow and rationalize deviant behavior to be our norm until it reaches pronounced levels before we are forced to admit, confront, and deal with it.  A position will not cure it, neither will a perception. 
You may be saying,
“If I can’t trust someone who is clergy, then who can I trust?”

Short answer, trust in God first and then trust the God in you (Psalms 118:8).  As I stated earlier, we have been conditioned to internalize and keep in isolation personal challenges that we are dealing with.  Why?  Mainly because of pride, and for reasons stated earlier.  Although it takes strength to go past one’s feelings to deal with shortcomings and weaknesses, ego (pride’s offspring) has caused most men to ignore or minimize deviant behavioral patterns and their impact on those they oversee.  Pride has even caused many of us to feel that we have the antidote to self-medicate.  At times, we men believe that we can “fix” ourselves thinking “we aren’t that bad off”.  Wow!  Even as I am writing this, I can remember situations and the times I had that same mindset.  Thank God for Spiritual Maturity!
As a husband and a father–who has a teenage daughter–I have seen the adverse effects that a hurt mindset can have on the maturation and leadership of a family.  It takes tenacity and a willingness to break the negative generational cycle for positive growth to take place.  I continue on that journey daily.  Is it easy?  NO!  But I and they are worth it.
Women, I pray that you accept this apology on behalf of all the men you have come across that may never personally tell you that they apologize for the way that they have treated you.  Some may still even feel that they did nothing wrong.   Well, I know through experience, learning and application that the victim always remembers.  That is one of the reasons I decided to write this open letter.  I pray that this serves as a formal apology to you, so that you can forgive us collectively, and those specifically, who have injured you mentally, emotionally, physically, or any combination of the three.  Learn to forgive.  Forgiveness does not mean that the other person is right; it just frees YOU to live.
I pray that you will choose today to start living at a ten!  You deserve it!
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Champion Mindset

Champions don’t wait for an Opportunity to Prepare;
They Prepare for an Opportunity.
Today, start preparing for what you desire.  

Have you ever desired something really bad and wondered why it’s taking so long to manifest?  Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful, while others struggle to live an average life?  If so, I am so excited for you!  If you are coachable, this article promises to offer you a few strategic tools that will position you for guaranteed success the next time a door of opportunity shines a beacon of light on you.  Let’s begin.

      The first question I must ask is…Are you a champion?  These strategic tools are for individuals who choose to never compete; however, who are accustomed to winning.  This means…champions remain anchored in the knowledge that winning is being the full expression of their authentic self and they act on that knowledge every single day.  They understand that no one can beat them at being them; and that settling for anything less is reserved for those willing to dance with mediocrity.  Let’s continue.
      The next question I must ask is…Do you clearly envision your vision?  Champions are goal setters.  Most often a champion’s initial plans are tweaked based on the process and progress of their journey in achieving their goal.  However, these potential times of recalibration don’t intimidate a champion.  Through experience, champions know that the view is only scenery on the way to their destiny.  Therefore, they never allow the view to distort their vision because they know it’s only temporary.  Are you still with me?  Let’s finish.
      The last question I must ask is…Are you focused, disciplined, and consistent?  Since the only thing that is certain about life is its uncertainty, champions do not allow the winds of change to keep them from reaching their goals.  Champions have trained themselves to remain focused on their goals.  Therefore, they are disciplined to keep “the main thing, the main thing” avoiding the traps of distraction.   Lastly, staying consistent to their standards and values in the midst of change simply offers champions another opportunity to operate more effectively and efficiently.  Being focused, disciplined, consistent, and knowing when to be flexible, provides the propulsion power necessary to maneuver them through the morass that change often brings.
      Therefore, please know champions don’t sit idly by, “resting on their laurels”, and waiting for an opportunity to arrive.  Champions ready themselves and their presentation each and every day whether an opportunity is scheduled or not.  Champions position themselves through a continual effort to achieve as they wait – to actively anticipate while they proactively prepare.  This then becomes the magnate that attracts opportunity to knock at their door and positions them to gain access and experience true success as a runner in the blocks awaiting the sound of a starter gun. 
      Opportunities are around us every day.  It is in our willingness to prepare, discern, and position our gifts, talents, and abilities that our true Champion can be exposed.  You now possess a few of the strategic tools of a Champion.  The question is... Are you ready?

Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Speak for a Change

Words are the least effective part of communication,
But the most powerful part of creation.
Speak Life; Create Life; and Live Life.

For as long as I can remember, I have loved words.  To the point that during my teenage years, my older sister and I frequently participated in “word competitions” by saying, spelling, and defining words that the other individual didn’t know.  It became a game we took great joy in playing often.  Interestingly, Our Creator knew the Purpose for which both of us were fashioned; and therefore, even the “word competitions” have served a higher purpose. 
        Unfortunately during my early seasons of immaturity, I began to realize my “gift of gab” could get me out of and into all kinds of situations, most of which were self-serving at the time.  There were times that the words I spoke created an environment that seemed like hell.  However, as my love affair with words became the passion behind my purpose, the power of my Gift and the increased level of spiritual maturity called me into accountability–to pay careful attention to my word choices, sentence structures, and the images I was painting with the words I spoke.  Since this is a proven principle that promises a reward–bad or good–I became actively aware of just how powerful words are in creating the life I and others experienced.  
        Therefore, as my ears became more sensitive to the importance of the words I spoke and as I started reframing the life I desired to live, it became more and more apparent to me just how unknowledgeable others are to the creative power their own words contain.  Although they may desire to experience something different, their self-fulfilled prophecies continue to be commercials of upcoming attractions–more of the same damned stuff, i.e., defeat, destruction, debt, destitution, and the like.  Additionally, as a Coach and Trainer, one of the most deplorable things for me are the times when I attempt to encourage an individual to speak for a change, but they choose to remain verbally challenged to say anything different.  Consequently, they will not see (experience) anything different.            
        Therefore, if you are one of the ones that have been eating the distasteful fruit of your own verbal expressions, I encourage you to begin speaking for a change.  Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not telling you to ignore the visible.  However, it is important to stop bringing attention to those things you desire to change.  I can attest that although the full expression of my words has yet to be achieved, the journey and process of creating it and therefore living through that process has become much more bearable. In conclusion, if what’s visible is not what you desire to continue experiencing, envision a different picture.  Once you envision the change you desire, Speak it; to Create it; and then Live it!  Remember, words are containers.  Fill your container with life and eventually, with commitment and diligence, you will see and live (experience) the change your words created!
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Progress deserves a Party!

Celebrate your progress.  
You may not be where you desire; however, stop and smell the flowers that have bloomed from the growth of yesterday.

While I was growing up, my immediate family celebrations centered primarily around birthdays and weddings.  However, meeting my wife and marrying into her family has exposed me to the joy that comes from celebrating pretty much anything. 

Because my wife is sixteen and eighteen years older than her youngest siblings respectively, we attended several of their events, i.e., numerous birthday parties at Chuck-E-Cheese, school Christmas programs, graduations, and talent shows, to name a few.  I even remember one time driving close to forty-five minutes to her little sister’s piano recital to celebrate her progress in being able to play – what seemed to me – five notes in a song.  I repeat…FIVE!  Regardless, the family celebrated her progress.
Even during the season in Chicago where she managed my office, my wife would find any reason for a celebration – birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, promotions, and at times even a “just because” party.  If she felt the event was worthy of a celebration – big or small – celebrate is what we did.
Throughout the years and with my own children, I’ve grown to appreciate and even joined in her desire to celebrate the smallest things that oftentimes passes by unnoticed, unacknowledged, and/or under-appreciated.  Too often we are waiting to celebrate the completion of a long-term goal without taking the opportunity to recognize, highlight, and even rejoice over the small-term goals we accomplish along the way.  Taking the time to celebrate our progress offers moments of refreshing that empower us with the stamina necessary to continue moving forward while enjoying ourselves as we journey.
If you haven’t noticed, misery always seems to set its own appointments.  Therefore today, I encourage you to find any reason to celebrate – regardless of how big or small your progress may be.  Invite a few guests.  Pop the Champagne. Cut a rug.  I believe you’re due a hand clap…some hoopla…maybe even a standing ovation.
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Presents vs. Presence

"What is the greatest gift you can give your children?  
Answer: To be Present and Active in their lives moving forward. Your Active Presence should always take precedence over your Material Presents.

Oftentimes we find ourselves so busy doing the work of The King that we tend to forget about or overlook The King Himself.  That posture even permeates other areas in our lives.  For example, when you look at your life, do you find yourself so busy taking care of your family that you have overlooked spending time with them?  

I now realize when looking back on my life how not having my Dad spending active quality time with me has affected my interaction with my own children.  Fortunately, back then I had siblings that I was able to fall back on to get the needed attention I was craving – being the middle child didn’t help either. However, nothing can replace the feeling a child gets when his Dad or Mom takes the time to spend with them with no ulterior motive.  Yes, I grew up in a financially challenged household (to put it mildly) and yes, my Mom and Dad did the best they could with the revelation they had.  However, that did not negate the need for their active presence in my life.

Quality time to a child is like water to a flower. Now having a family of my own, it was and continues to be a determined effort on my part to spend active quality time with my children.  Thanks to my wife Juli, I have – and as a work in process – turned around my perception of “active quality” time with my children.  Today, we understand that Family comes First.  Our children know and understand that when no one else is there to support them they can look around and find Dad and/or Mom cheering them on.  Yes, they get the presents, but after those are gone it’s our active presence that they will one day talk about with their children.

Just as God would rather you spend time “with Him” than just relegate the majority of the relationship doing things for Him or getting things from him – your wife, husband, children, and family are yearning for similar attention. Why not schedule time with those important in your life.  We may be able to buy material things to pacify our absence; however, quality time is priceless.  Make a difference by choosing to be different.  Your active presence is far greater than your presents. 
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

The 3 I's of Personal Change

"You can either change history by what you learn or
repeat history by what you ignore."

Often we hear of various “Keys to Success”.  There are indeed many roads that lead to success, however long-term success is first determined by and developed through the degree of personal change an individual is willing to achieve.  Let me share with you what I call the “3 I’s of Personal Change” that has helped me understand and positioned me for varying levels of success in my family and business.

I – Information:
The mid to late ‘80’s launched what we called the “Information Age” or as some refer to as the “Computer Age”.  However, long before Commodore 64, IBM, Microsoft, or Apple arrived on the scene information was being shared in various other forms in society.  We’ve all had access to information.  Information is knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance or simply, data.  In order for change to happen we have to have the information necessary to know the direction we ought to take.  The access to information we have today has taken away any excuse we could ever use regarding being ignorant.  If we truly desire to change, information abounds at alarming volumes.

I – Inspiration:
As wonderful and plentiful as information is, just having the knowledge does not give the desired change one seeks.  The next step in personal change is Inspiration.  In order for the information to go from data on a page or through the air to connecting to your heart requires the stimuli that inspiration brings.  I remember the days/years I thought I knew how to effectively lead my family.  Little did I realize, it was just knowledge.  I really “thought” I knew based on the knowledge I had (little as it was).  It wasn’t until my twin boy and girl reached their teenage years that I realized that more growth and understanding was needed on my part.  That inspired me to gain more knowledge and not rely on “old tools to repair a new car”, if you will.  I then became a change agent, first personally and then to impact my posterity. Take a moment to determine what will inspire you to effect personal change in your life?

I – Implementation:
We’ve all heard the term, “Knowledge is Power”.  Well, if “Knowledge is Power”, just imagine how much more powerful “Applied Knowledge” can be.  There’s the story of three frogs sitting on a lily pad and one of them decided to jump.  Do you know how many frogs were left on the lily pad after the one decided to jump?  Was it one, two, or three?  If you said three, you are correct.  You see, nothing you think about takes place until you make the choice to put it in action.  That’s the final stage of personal change.  We all can have all the information, and be inspired to do something different.  However, until we move into action, all we have is potential sitting on the lily pad of life.  Implementation suggests that we “Do Something”.  Having a desire without the daily discipline to achieve it makes the desire just a dream. 

Don’t you think it’s time to start walking out your dreams and begin the process of personal change in your life today?  By taking the information you’ve received, coupled with the inspiration that connected and triggered a desire within you, and then ultimately taking the necessary steps to implement them will greatly impact the speed of your success.  Today, I stand on the sidelines of life to cheer you on as you run.
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are you a PIMP?

“When Purpose is defined, everything is put in its proper perspective.”
                                                                                      Julianne Pearson
Here is a new take on the word PIMP!  I have composed an acronym for the word PIMP which describes a Person Intentionally Manipulating Purpose!  The Purpose of what you may ask…the purpose of a gift.  Let’s first define a gift.

The World English Dictionary gives one definition of a gift as a “special aptitude, ability, or power; talent.”  Secondly, Myles Munroe states that, “When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable.”  With these two understandings, let’s delve deeper into the PIMP world.

Most of us have heard, seen, or been involved directly or indirectly, with the common identification and definition of a pimp!  The term has had its evolution from one who exploits women for sexual gratification in order to live off their earnings to include today’s colloquial expressions meaning a male talented in attracting females or making something cool or better.  These definitions, when examined closely, are not intended to focus on the purpose of the person or object but on the benefits another gains from its manipulation.  Each of us is a gift and we have been created for a particular purpose.  Oftentimes it is due to a misunderstanding of our value that has allowed some of us to be PIMP’d and become PIMPs.  We all have special abilities, powers, and talents.  Therefore, we ALL should consider ourselves as gifts.  It is when the true purpose of the gift has not been defined that we find ourselves manipulated and at times, manipulating others. 

For example, even in the crudest definition of a pimp, it exposes the manipulation of Purpose and the Gift.  Just like a pimp exploits the gift called woman (and even a man on some occasions), we too can find ourselves pimping the gifts in others for personal gain as well.  You see, when we intentionally manipulate others through exposing their weaknesses, addictions, and vulnerabilities; we play the role of a PIMP.  What most PIMPs won’t tell you is that underneath the flamboyance of their persona lies a hurt, wounded, and vulnerable soul.  They too are a gift that has not been defined and embraced.  Therefore, through their own abuse they become a purveyor of abuse.

Here’s the good news, it’s never too late to make a new beginning.  With this enlightenment we can now begin the journey to recognize and appreciate the value we have inside.  This starts as we view ourselves as a gift and then begin the healing process needed to set proper boundaries.  Once purpose is defined, you will then start to look and put things in their proper perspective.  This will empower you to appreciate the gift in others and help as oppose to hurt; build rather than destroy; co-create instead of compete; and promote rather than put down. 

There’s the saying, “Pimpin' ain’t easy.”  Well, let’s make it that more difficult by choosing to walk in our authenticity, pursuing purpose, and setting proper personal boundaries for how we will first value and conduct ourselves and then those with whom we come in contact.   
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pass the Brick

"Accomplishments are the Bricks that are Placed
on the Framework of Potential."

Do you remember in grade school that student or person who seemed to have all the potential we wished we had ourselves?  They seemed to have everything going for them…talent, brains, and beauty.  They were “A Millionaire in the Making” – if you will. 
Yet years later, we then see them in a totally different space.  There seems to be a disproportionate difference between what we thought they would do and what they actually accomplished.  We then tend to think to ourselves, “Man, they had so much potential.”  Unfortunately, there was some disconnection between their inherent ability and their actual achieved output. 
By now you are probably thinking of a few people you know who have fallen into this category.  However, let’s first take a look in the mirror instead of staring out of the window.  As you reflect on your life, how do you answer the question, “Are you maximizing your potential?”  
Do you know we already possess the potential it takes for us to “make it happen”?  Yet there are many for whom life seems plagued by the spirit of redundancy.  Far too many become stuck with just the framework of potential, hoping the bricks of accomplishment will somehow appear.  I am here to let you know that yes, YOU were born with potential and value already inside of you; however, now it’s time for you to tap into that God-given resource to produce the maximum YOU every day.  You can move from potential to visualization and ultimately actualization strictly by taking the daily bricks of accomplishment and placing them on the framework of potential.
How often do we hear “Someday”?  Well, when will “Someday” actually become “Today”?  My friend it takes just one step.  Are you ready?  Make a decision to start.  That’s it!  Choose to start.  “Start what?” you ask.  Start writing that book – Author.  Start singing, writing, or playing your songs – Musician.  Start acting – Actor or Actress.  Start living out the potential of your dreams.  Start where you are and with what you have because what you have is enough for the moment. When you do, you’ll find that creativity exists in the strangest surroundings.
Building a house does not happen overnight and neither does success.  They are both a process.  It is through the consistent application of bricks that the house is built. However, you’ve got to start somewhere and at some time with the first brick.  The Frame of your success is awaiting the next brick of accomplishment to aid in its fruition.  Why not grab one today?    
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Change in Perspective

"Never let your View distort your Vision...
It is only scenery on the road called Destiny."
            The brain is the most powerful organ in the human body.  Its ability to coordinate, manage, and direct the functioning of the entire human body, still amazes today’s scientists and researchers alike.  Our minds are so powerful that whatever we choose to focus and place our attention on can turn from mere possibility to actuality. 
Too often we have viewed our destiny as a final destination rather than viewing it as our life’s journey.  And like any journey, we have the privilege of experiencing the scenery along the way.  There are trees, yellow dashes, cars, trucks, speed regulations, waterways, exit signs, mile markers, bridges, clouds, birds…by now I’m sure you get the picture.  During our travels, some of us have encountered unexpected accidents, roadblocks, and detours that may have delayed our journey.
            It is so important for us to remember during our life’s journey, the view oftentimes appear contrary to our vision.  However, the choice is ours as to whether we will focus on the view or our vision.  Will we allow the current circumstances to distort or misrepresent the vision we have visualized?  Will we compromise and bow to the view surrendering all possibility of ever reaching our place of purpose?  Hopefully, NOT!
            Remember, if what we see is not what we saw, then what we see is temporary.  Therefore, let’s just take in the scenery that will soon pass from view as we journey closer to what we’ve envisioned.  I encourage those that are weary to strengthen your legs as you travel until you’ve reached your resting place.  The fruition of your vision will be worth the trip.  
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Than Meets the Eye

“Sometimes it takes us having to look through the morass of life
in order to find the daily gems that are hidden.”
Morass is used figuratively to mean “a difficult or troublesome situation[i].  There are seasons in each of our lives that are so overwhelming that we may at times become uncertain if we will ever be free of the power of its entanglement. 
            To look through is to see from one side to the other.  Having the vision to look beyond the morass of the present and embrace the potential of the future is one of the core characteristics of a champion.  However, the challenge for most of us who may consider ourselves champions is not only having the vision to look through, but also the willingness to acknowledge and embrace the valuable lessons, opportunities, and gifts of life that are available to us on a daily basis. 
            In every season, and challenge of life ask yourself, what am I to learn?  What invaluable quality is being fortified in me that no other situation could foster?  What is right in the midst of all that is wrong?  This line of questioning forces the champion in you to see the facts in every circumstance, situation and dilemma and still discover and uncover the Truth.  The gems you uncover in the midst of the morass are The Truths that’s needed to prepare and propel you to your next level of growth and increase.  It is through the final process of polishing those hidden gems of Truth that you will begin to truly shine.  Are you ready to start looking beyond what you initially see?  
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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[i] Webster’s New World Dictionary, Fourth Edition:  Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2003.