Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are you a PIMP?

“When Purpose is defined, everything is put in its proper perspective.”
                                                                                      Julianne Pearson
Here is a new take on the word PIMP!  I have composed an acronym for the word PIMP which describes a Person Intentionally Manipulating Purpose!  The Purpose of what you may ask…the purpose of a gift.  Let’s first define a gift.

The World English Dictionary gives one definition of a gift as a “special aptitude, ability, or power; talent.”  Secondly, Myles Munroe states that, “When purpose is not defined, abuse is inevitable.”  With these two understandings, let’s delve deeper into the PIMP world.

Most of us have heard, seen, or been involved directly or indirectly, with the common identification and definition of a pimp!  The term has had its evolution from one who exploits women for sexual gratification in order to live off their earnings to include today’s colloquial expressions meaning a male talented in attracting females or making something cool or better.  These definitions, when examined closely, are not intended to focus on the purpose of the person or object but on the benefits another gains from its manipulation.  Each of us is a gift and we have been created for a particular purpose.  Oftentimes it is due to a misunderstanding of our value that has allowed some of us to be PIMP’d and become PIMPs.  We all have special abilities, powers, and talents.  Therefore, we ALL should consider ourselves as gifts.  It is when the true purpose of the gift has not been defined that we find ourselves manipulated and at times, manipulating others. 

For example, even in the crudest definition of a pimp, it exposes the manipulation of Purpose and the Gift.  Just like a pimp exploits the gift called woman (and even a man on some occasions), we too can find ourselves pimping the gifts in others for personal gain as well.  You see, when we intentionally manipulate others through exposing their weaknesses, addictions, and vulnerabilities; we play the role of a PIMP.  What most PIMPs won’t tell you is that underneath the flamboyance of their persona lies a hurt, wounded, and vulnerable soul.  They too are a gift that has not been defined and embraced.  Therefore, through their own abuse they become a purveyor of abuse.

Here’s the good news, it’s never too late to make a new beginning.  With this enlightenment we can now begin the journey to recognize and appreciate the value we have inside.  This starts as we view ourselves as a gift and then begin the healing process needed to set proper boundaries.  Once purpose is defined, you will then start to look and put things in their proper perspective.  This will empower you to appreciate the gift in others and help as oppose to hurt; build rather than destroy; co-create instead of compete; and promote rather than put down. 

There’s the saying, “Pimpin' ain’t easy.”  Well, let’s make it that more difficult by choosing to walk in our authenticity, pursuing purpose, and setting proper personal boundaries for how we will first value and conduct ourselves and then those with whom we come in contact.   
Aim High…
© 2012 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Perspective Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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