Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Overlooked Leader

When was the last time you saw a leader?

Was it at Church? 
Was it at the last training session you attended?  Or was it at the last sporting event where you cheered?

After reading this you will realize why I believe it is more recent than you may think.

What is a Leader?
There are many definitions of a leader. Some define a leader simply as one who influences; some influence through Inspiration others through Manipulation.  I side with Myles Munroe when he says, “The secret to leadership is not the pursuit of power, authority, or position. Leadership is the pursuit of self.”   A leader is simply, one who has discovered himself.  When you discover yourself, why you were born, what you were sent to earth to accomplish, then a Leader is born.  You are that overlooked leader.

How is the Leader Developed?
There is an Al-ism that I have that states, “When you have no vision for your life, you make everyone else’s dreams come true.”
You are more than a follower.  Yes, there may be seasons in your life where you serve in a follower capacity; however, that was not the design, intent, or sum of your life.
There is a LEADER in each and every one of us.

You may have been told that “you will never amount to anything,” “you’re just like the rest of your family,” or “nobody cares about what you become”.  The hurt from those words are valid feelings; however, I challenge you today not to let words or your past define you; use it as a tool to refine you.  As my wife often says, “Your opposition is your value identifier.”  In other words, wherever you find your greatest attack is actually where you have the greatest value, which will catapult you to the next dimension of greatness.  It is through believing in and recognizing your value – which are the gifts, talents, and abilities you posses – that your true leadership ability will shine.  Whatever pain you consistently feel, you were meant to solve.  That pain is the leader inside you screaming for exposure. 
You are more than the sum of your past and the confusion in your present.  You are a leader.

Who are Some Leaders We Recognize Today?
We usually recognize leaders when they have arrived.  However, most leaders did not set out to be leaders, they set out to be their individual best everyday with what they were gifted to do.

Michael Jordan did not set out to be a leader in the sport of basketball.  He chose to develop and maximize his gift and talent to the point that we now recognize him as a leader in the sport.

Tiger Woods didn’t set out to be a leader in golf.  However, his dad was able to recognize his talent and placed him in an environment that would foster its development to the point that Tiger Woods was able to embrace the special gift he possessed.

Oprah Winfrey did not set out to be the number one talk show host in the country.  Oprah knew that she enjoyed talking, believed she had something valuable to say, and pursued that desire to be heard daily.

It is said, “Champions are not made in the ring they are just recognized there.”  It is what you believe and work towards daily that prepares you to win.
You were designed as a specialist in some area.  You were designed to lead.

I owned a photography company a few years ago.  In my early years in the darkroom, I had to expose the film image onto the photography paper.  Although the image was burned onto the paper, it was not readily seen to the naked eye.  It had to go through a developing process in order for the picture to emerge.  Some say leaders are created and not born.  I tend to disagree.  I believe the image of a leader is burned in each of us; however, it is through our decision to endure the development process that we emerge and are recognized.  As an emerging leader, it is important to endure the developing process.

It’s time to awake that leader in you.
It’s time to get rid of your “limiting beliefs”.
It’s time to plan as if you cannot fail.
It’s time; it’s time; it’s time.

When you recognize the leader in you, I guarantee when you look in the mirror, you’ll never see yourself the same again.

YOU are that Overlooked Leader!  
Aim High…
© 2011 Aldean Pearson

Aldean “Al” Pearson is a Professional Speaker, Trainer, and Growth Coach.  He is the Co-Founder of the LĪVE! movement, a speaking, training and coaching organization committed to developing extraordinary people, families, and businesses. His “up-front and candid,” yet at times humorous approach empowers his clients and audiences to look past their limitations to find the hidden gems of capability within. He is married with twin boy and girl. 

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